Join the NAAC

The NAAC collects annual dues from August 15 through February 28.

Payment Options:

Click the button below to pay annual dues via JoinIt!

Join Today


Checks via Postal Mail

Make payable to NAAC of AOII and then mail to:
AOII Nashville Alumnae Treasurer
C/O Brandi Nunnery
3641 Four Leaf Way
Cane Ridge, TN 37013


Standard Dues  $65
Life Loyal Dues  $49

Secondary Member Dues $10
First Year on Us* $0
*2019-2024/2025 graduate AND first time in an alumnae chapter

*NOTE:  Your international AOII alumnae dues are included in the above dues.  Therefore, you do not need to pay your AOII membership dues directly to International Headquarters; this alumnae chapter will do it for you!


For questions about dues, or how to pay via other means, please email